MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) ("MoneyGram"). MoneyGram provides money transfers and other financial products through a global network of licensed agents ("Agents") under the MoneyGram brand which include licensed subsidiaries within the MoneyGram group of companies of MoneyGram, Inc.  

This document sets out useful information under which the MoneyGram Law Enforcement Liaison Team will respond to law enforcement requests such as subpoenas, search warrants, court orders, requests to give testimony, production orders or other form of law enforcement requests under applicable law ("Request").  

In order to streamline the process and ensure a faster response, law enforcement should adhere to the following requirements when submitting a Request. 

Please note that email is the preferred way to receive a Request.  

Please include an e-mail address on all Requests as MoneyGram's policy is to only provide records and information via secured encrypted e-mail.  
Any legal Request(s) not issued by a law enforcement agency must be served on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. by subpoena and pursuant to the rules in the jurisdiction in which the matter is pending. Subpoenas are not accepted by e-mail, fax, or courier.  

General notes that apply to all our responses to Requests:   

  • Our privacy notice sets out how MoneyGram handles personal data and is available under  
  • The default time zone of transactional money transfer data is provided in Central US Time (CST).  
  • Transactions are only identified if there is an exact match - variations are only searched if specifically listed in the Request.  Inclusion of all possible identifiers on each request is encouraged to identify the most accurate responses in a timely manner.
  • MoneyGram does not maintain video surveillance or CCTV records of its Agent locations in the ordinary course of business. As such, requests for video surveillance or CCTV records should be requested directly from the specific Agent location.
  • MoneyGram will assess a fee for response to Subpoena and other law enforcement production work, as legally available in each jurisdiction.

For U.S. Law Enforcement requests please see clause 1.
For Latin American Law Enforcement requests please see clause 2.
For Canadian Law Enforcement requests please see clause 3.
For Law Enforcement Requests in any other region such as: Europe, Europe, Russia, CIS, Turkey, Israel, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Australia please see clause 4.    

1.  U.S. Law Enforcement Legal Process Service  

1.1.  U.S. Law Enforcement must serve their Request on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. and may be e-mailed to:  
1.2.  While e-mail is preferred, MoneyGram also accepts service from U.S. Law Enforcement by mail to: 
     MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.
     Subpoena Operations 
     1550 Utica Avenue South 
      M.S. MIN 5508
      Minneapolis, MN 55416  

2.  Latin American Law Enforcement Legal Process Service

2.1.  Latin American Enforcement must serve their Request on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. and may be e-mailed to:  
2.2.  While e-mail is preferred, MoneyGram also accepts service by mail to:
     MoneyGram Paymen Systems, Inc.
     Subpoenna Operations
     1550 Utica Avenue South
      M.S. MIN 5508
      Minneapolis, MN 55416  

3.  Canadian Law Enforcement Legal Process Service  

3.1.  Canadian Law Enforcement must serve their production orders on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. and may be e-mailed to

3.2.  MoneyGram also accepts service in Canda by email or physical mail to:
     MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.
     Derek McMillan
     Head of Compliance - Canada 

4.  Law Enforcement Legal Process Service for all other regions: Europe, Russia, CIS, Turkey, Israel, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Australia

4.1.  Law Enforcement in any other territories must serve their Request on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.   
4.2.  MoneyGram does also accept service issued to licensed subsidiaries within the MoneyGram group, however, it will be sufficient to serve the Request on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.  
4.3.  Requests should be e-mailed to:  

MPSI Global Procedure for Law Enforcement Requests - French
MPSI Global Procedure for Law Enforcement Requests - German
MPSI Global Procedure for Law Enforcement Requests - Italian
MPSI Global Procedure for Law Enforcement Requests - Spanish

5. Civil Subpoena Legal Process Service (Subpoenas not issued by Law Enforcement)

5.1. U.S. Civil Subpoenas (Non-Law Enforcement) must serve their Request on MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. via our registered agent in your state, CT Corporation.

5.2. MoneyGram will assess an hourly fee for response to Civil Subpoena productions.

5.3. To submit your request, please visit CT Corporation Service of Process Locations for information on our registered agent in your state.